Canvas provides multiple options for scheduling an appointment to best fit your workflow. If your patients are located across several timezones please refer to our Appointments (Different Timezones) knowledge article. To learn how to manage appointments please review our Manage Appointment knowledge article.
The status on the calendar is independent of the status of the note. You must select that the user arrived on the schedule AND check in the note for the entire process to be complete.
Appointment cards in canvas allow users to easily view patient demographics, PCP, insurance details, and the administrative caption.
Booking from the Schedule
Navigate to the desired appointment date on the Schedule
Click and drag on the desired time slot of the provider you want to book an appointment with open a new appointment card
Enter the patient's name
Edit the starting time and duration using the drop-down menu
Select the type of visit
Home visit
Office visit
Lab visit
Phone call
Free Text the reason for visit in the provided text box
Select Book Now
Navigate to the desired patient's chart
Click on New Note to the right of the search bar
Select Appointment to open an appointment note
Select the visit type
Home visit
Office visit
Lab Visit
Inpatient visit
Phone call
Select a Provider
Select a Location
Toggle on Respect Holds
Select a duration to populate available times
15 min
20 min
30 min
45 min
60 min
Select a starting on date
Select an appointment time from the times available indicated by the blue color.
Available appointment times for the next five days will be displayed.
If an appointment is being booked that same day, appointment slots before the current time will be dimmed.
Select a custom date and time can be chosen by scrolling past the available appointments to "Or specify custom date and time"
Enter the Reason for Visit command in the note space
Select Book
NOTE: Upcoming appointments will always be at the top of the chart.