Within the Canvas Revenue module, each claim lives within a queue. The queues provide organization of claims according to their stage in the revenue cycle, helping you quickly identify which claims need attention. Each queue serves as a checkpoint, providing insights into where each claim lies in the billing and adjudication process.
It's important to know what queues are available and their intended use.
All Claims
Displays a comprehensive list of all claims created, offering a full view of the billing process.
Appointment Queue
This queue contains any claims that are associated to an appointment that has not been checked in. This could include claims with a date of service in the history if the note was never checked in.
Clinician Queue
Houses claims that require clinician review. Claims are automatically moved here once an appointment is checked in and stay until the clinician locks the note for the first time. At that point, claims shift to the Coding queue, indicating they’re ready for billing review.
Coding Queue
This queue contains claims pending coding review by billers. After a claim has been reviewed, the biller manually advances it to the Submission queue.
Submission Queue
Shows claims that are ready to be submitted to the clearinghouse. This is the final step before submission to insurers.
If Claim.MD is enabled claims in the submission queue can be submitted to the clearinghouse in a batch manually or a scheduled process job submits once a day. Submission to the clearinghouse automatically advances claims to the filed queue
Filed Queue
Displays claims successfully submitted to the clearinghouse, whether automatically or manually by the biller.
Rejected Queue
Contains claims that have been returned by the clearinghouse or insurers with rejections, requiring correction and resubmission.
Adjudicated Queue
Shows claims processed by the insurance company, with determinations made about payment responsibility.
For clinics using automated ERA processing, some claims may bypass this queue if successfully processed. However, if an error occurs, the claim will appear in this queue with details in the activity log.
Patient Queue
Displays claims with outstanding patient balances, signaling a need for payment follow-up.
History Queue
Contains claims that have completed processing, with no outstanding balance. This queue serves as a historical record of finalized claims.
Trash Queue
Lists claims that have been removed or deleted from active processing.
Each queue is divided into columns of essential information. Queues have multiple options to filter and sort claims, allowing you to quickly find the information you need. Filtering and sorting capabilities include:
The icon related to the note type associated to the claim.
Users can filter and sort alphabetically using this column
Claim ID
The claim ID related to the claim. This claim ID is passed to the Claim.MD clearinghouse and utilized for matching the returning ERA.
Users can filter and sort numerically using this column
Date of Service
The date of services rendered. This date is inherited from the associated note.
Users can filter and sort in chronological order using this column
Patient Name
The patient's full name including preferred name if populated
Users can filter and sort alphabetically by patient's last name using this column
Current Insurance
The coverage which is marked as current on the claim and the rank of the insurance. If the claim is in the middle of processing, coverages besides the primary may be displayed.
Users can filter and sort alphabetically using this column
Insurance Balance
The current balance allocated to insurance for this claim
Users can sort numerically using this column
Patient Balance
The current balance allocated to the patient for this claim
Users can sort numerically using this column
Days in Queue
The number of days the claim has been in the current queue. If a claim is moved out of the queue and moved back, the days in queue resets.
If a speech bubble is displayed, hovering will reveal the most recent comment in the activity log
Users can filter and sort numerically
The guarantor associated to the claim.
Users can filter and sort alphabetically using this column
The rendering provider of the claim
Users can filter and sort alphabetically using this column
Latest Remit
The date and associated remit ID for the most recently applied remittance
Users can filter and sort alphabetically using this column
Last Invoiced
The most recent date a statement was generated for the patient
Users can sort chronologically using this column
Snoozed Until (chronological order)
The date a snooze event will expire
Users can filter and sort chronologically using this column
Labels (alphabetical order)
Custom labels added to the claim
Users can filter and sort alphabetically using this column
Each queue is able to be controlled by administrators with appropriate permissions to enable or disable columns within each queue.
If you are an administrator and don't have the correct permissions, please reach out to Canvas Support so we can enable for you.
Configuring the queue columns is managed in admin settings under the Quality & Revenue header. Once you've entered the queues admin page, select the queue that you want to modify. You can change the following fields
Display Name - what is seen on the left sidebar in Revenue
Description - a description of what the queue is used for
Show in revenue - a checkbox, when unchecked, the queue is no longer visible in the revenue module
Visible Columns -
Note Type
Claim ID
Date of Service
Active Insurance
Insurance Balance
Patient Balance
Days in Queue
Latest Remit
Last Invoiced
Snoozed Until
To select multiple options use the following keyboard shortcuts
Windows: Hold Ctrl + Click items. Mac: Hold Command + Click items.