The Questionnaire command is a micro-template command used to gather and document information for a questionnaire.
Q: I made a mistake, how do I remove this command?
A: Commands can be entered in error, but not deleted. Please review the Entering a Command in Error document for more information.
Q: How do I print this command?
A: A command can be printed by using the triple dot menu to the right of the command and selecting the print option.
Q: Which tables in the read-only db contain questionnaire data?
api_questionnaire is the table that holds questionnaires
api_question is the table that holds questions
api_questionnairequestionmap is a join table that shows which questions make up a questionnaire
api_responseoptionset defines the response options for a question.
The question record has a response_option_set_id foreign key
api_responseoption is the table that holds the choices for a question. These are related to a question through the response option set record.
api_interview is the table that holds questionnaire responses. This is a record that a questionnaire was responded to by a patient at a given time.
api_interviewquestionnairemap shows which questionnaire is responded to in an interview.
api_interviewquestionresponse shows the chosen response to a particular question.
api_questionnaireresult is where the result of a scoring function for a questionnaire is saved.
example: After completing a PHQ-9 we run a scoring function to get a result like “PHQ-9: Score of 1 indicates minimal depression symptoms. No further actions.”
A: A command can be printed by using the triple dot menu to the right of the command and selecting the print option.
TIP: Check out our Keyboard Navigation article to learn how to navigate/complete a command including questionnaires using your keyboard!
Begin in an open note of the patient's chart
Type "questionnaire" into a blank line within the note
Select the command by hitting Enter on the keyboard
Select the desired questionnaire from the available options, the fields that populate will depend on the type of questionnaire selected
Navigate through the fields by selecting Tab between each field
Select RECORD to commit the command once all fields have been completed