The Lab Order command electronically transmits lab orders to connected labs and allows for the printing of requisition forms as well as lab specimen labels.Video
Q: Does the lab order command include all tests from my selected lab vendor?
A: Yes. If your selected lab vendor is connected for electronic ordering, the compendium for the lab will be updated each night. If the lab is not connected, there is a manual process to capture the full compendium of tests for that specific lab.
Q: Do I need a specific label printer to print label specimens?
A: We recommend the Dymo LabelWriter 450 for the easiest configuration.
Q: What do I do if I do not have a specific lab vendor?
A: Generic Lab is available with the most common lab tests.
Q: I made a mistake, how do I remove this command?
A: Commands can be entered in error, but not deleted. Please review the Entering a Command in Error document for directions.
Type "lab order" into an open line within a note
Select the command by pressing Enter on the keyboard or clicking the command with your mouse.
Select the desired lab vendor
Navigate through the remaining fields by pressing Tab.
Tests: Specific test. You may select as many labs as needed. Each time you select a test to order, you will be returned to the same field to enter an additional test. Please note that certain labs place limitations on which labs can be ordered together. Read more in "order splitting" below.
Ordering Provider: Select ordering provider from populated options.
Indications: The ICD-10 associated with the condition for which the lab test is being ordered.
Fasting Required?: Toggle to indicate if fasting required using the Space bar.
Comment: Any additional as deemed necessary
Select SEND or Select SAVE to commit the command.
SEND - electronically sends to all labs connected directly.
SAVE - commits the command and allows for printing of the requisition form and the specimen label.
Any tests that require additional information such as the site of the collection will automatically generate any extra field(s).
Requisitions forms and specimen labels can be printed after a lab order command has been sent or saved using the triple dot menu located to the right of the command.
An error badge is displayed if any errors are encountered when sending electronic lab orders. Hovering over the error badge allows users to see more details regarding the error.
When an error is encountered users should make any necessary corrections (e.g Updating the Registration details to include an address and recreate the lab order as described above. The previous lab order should NOT be entered in error.
Missing patient address
Patients must have at least one address set for postal or both type and as home use to successfully process electronic lab and prescription orders.
Orders are placed on hold and a task is triggered for the Lab Order Team to complete - see example below
Missing payer's address
When eligibility is checked for existing coverages an error will appear if no payer address is supplied.
Orders are placed on hold and a task is triggered for the Lab Order Team to complete
Missing Provider NPI
Order on hold, completion task has been sent to staff
message will display on a lab orders that have missing details (e.g. missing patient a mailable address or incomplete payer address or phone number). Correct/add the appropriate information and re order lab.
The lab order will NOT electronically send without a documented patient or payer insurance address. If users attempt to send a lab order without an address, the order on hold message below will appear on the command.
Certain labs place limitations on which lab tests can be ordered together. Labcorp is the most notable example. In these cases, if you electronically order lab tests together that Labcorp does not allow to be placed together, you will return an error. Here is an example:
In the case of Labcorp, the following tests must be ordered separately:
Cytology (Proc class = ‘CY’) - must be split to a separate requisition number
Histology (Proc class = ‘HI’) - must be split to a separate requisition number
Microbiology (Proc class in MI, MP, MQ, MZ, VI, VX) - must be split to separate requisitions grouped by the source, subject to the below:
"Micro tests can be ordered with other chemistry tests, but only micros with the same source can be ordered on a single requisition number. If one micro test has source of urine and another micro test has source of wound, the test should be submitted under two different requisition numbers."
AFP (AOE Code = AFAFP, MSONLY, MSSNT, SERIN) - are split to a separate requisition number