The Instruct command is available to document instructions given to a patient during a visit
Q: I made a mistake, how do I remove this command?
A: Commands can be entered in error, but not deleted. Please review the Entering a Command in Error document for directions.
Q: How do I print this command?
A: A command can be printed by using the triple dot menu to the right of the command and selecting the print option.
Instruction headings can be selected from the pre-populated list or customized with free text.
Printing the instruct command will display any included comments within the command along with the provider signature image.
This process begins with an open note of the patient chart.
Type “instruct” into a blank line within the note
Select command by hitting Enter on your keyboard
Type the desired instruction.
Click Enter to select the desired instruction
Navigate through the remaining fields by selecting Tab between each field:
Comment: enter any specific instructions or comments. Field has a 2000 character limit.
Click RECORD to commit the command
Use Instruct command as shown above
Select the triple dot menu to the right of the command
Select Print to open a print modal