The Allergy commands are available to document patient allergies into the patient's chart.
Being within an open note of the desired patient's chart.
Type "allergy"
Select the Allergy command by pressing Enter on the keyboard or by selecting the command with your mouse.
Fill our the respective fields, including
Allergy: Dropdown (list managed by Canvas)
Severity Dropdown (Mild, Moderate, Severe)
Reaction: Free text (Field has a 512 character limit)
Approximate Date of Onset: Date. Will convert natural language, i.e. “last week” , "2 years ago" or “2015”
Select RECORD to commit the command to the note.
Being within an open note of the desired patient's chart.
Type "remove" or "allergy"
Select "Remove goal" from the menu that appears to populate the Remove Allergy Command into the note
Select the allergy you wish to update from the drop down menu in the Remove Allergy field
Add a rationale if desired
Select REMOVE to commit the command to the note.
Being within the desired patient's chart
Locate the Allergy Section of the Patient Summary
Hover over the Allergy section header to bring up the filter button
Locate and click on the filter icon to the right of the header
Use the drop down menu to filter by:
Click on the filter icon to hide the filter drop down
Q: I made a mistake, how do I remove this command?
A: Commands can be entered in error, but not deleted. Please review the Entering a Command in Error document for directions.
Q: How do I print this command?
A: A command can be printed by using the triple dot menu to the right of the command and selecting the print option.